Monday 14 December 2009

Me doing double back summersaults for the first times

These are my 2nd and 3rd EVER attempts at doing back summersaults on the trampoline.

Me doing half-outs on the trampoline

This is me doing half-outs (double front summersaults with one half twist) on video. Learnt to do them two weeks before this.

Friday 3 July 2009

Kemer, Turkey, 2009

At the start of Summer 2009. I went to Kemer in Turkey with my family and had a blast. I did wakeboarding, monoskiing, water-skiing, climbing, capuera + salsa dancing, swimming, worked on my tannage and did lots of drinking + eating delicious food. I made this video of my wakeboarding antics in Kemer.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

What happens when we die? - A graphical depiction

As part of a medical school project I explored written accounts of near death experiences. In this video are photos I have created, attempting to graphically depict what happens when we die according to those accounts.

Sunday 22 March 2009

xFred wins at BUCS trampoline finals - 2009

This is me winning the British University Trampoline finals at level 3 (advanced men - BUCS 3)

Saturday 21 March 2009

My trampoline routines for BUCS trampoline finals

These are my two routines that I am competing in this year's BUCS inter-university trampoline championships. BUCS = British Universities and Colleges Sports.

Friday 20 March 2009

My Presentation for the Cornwall Clinical Society

This is a presentation I did for the Cornwall Clinical Society who invited some medical students to present their "special interest outside medicine". I did mine on trampolining.

Friday 13 February 2009

Fred's guide to trampolining

This is part 1 of my trampolining instructional video compiled as part of my teaching module for university. Enjoy! Part 1 & 2 are available on DVD if you think you would find it useful to have a copy contact me through YouTube and we can sort something out (It might involve a small contribution to cover postage cost)

Sunday 8 February 2009

I win the BUCS '09 trampoline southern qualifiers

This is a video of my routines when I won first place at the 2009 BUCS trampoline southern qualifiers in Plymouth. I even got the Plymouth Mayor to award me the medal!