Saturday, 20 March 2010

The Athletic Union Ball 2009-2010

On the 18th of march the trampoline club got together, put on the tuxedos and nice dresses for the 2009-2010 Athletic Union ball at Exeter University’s great hall. It was an amazing night and to top it all off we received three nominations! I believe this is the most nominations the club has ever got at an Athletic Union Ball! The Men’s trampoline team was nominated for best team, Steph Dodds was nominated for Sportswoman of the year and I was nominated for Sportsman of the year! Although we didn’t go on to win any of them just to be nominated is a massive achievement. Well done everyone!

Emily W, Jen W, Rachael W, Alex Hiles
Alex B, Georgina H, Fred C-J
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The BUCS trampoline finals, Sheffield

On the 14th of March the Exeter university trampoline team went up to Sheffield fo the national university trampoline finals. BUCS is the university sporting governing body it stands for British Universities and Colleges Sport. Although i was so nervous the team overall did really well. Firstly Steph Dodds won in the Ladies BUCS 4 and then I surprisingly came away with a Bronze medal for BUCS 2 men. After winning BUCS 3 men last year I didn't expect much in fact not being last was my aim. The guys who were 1st and second were amazing. The winner is a Team Great Britain Double mini-trampoline competitor! Then after the Elite men competed we found that overall the scores were enough to win second place in the team competitions! Amazing surprise! Coming away with bronze and silver medals was such a nice way to end my university trampoline career!

1) My Family come to support me
2) The team T-shirts I designed and had made
3) The top 3 BUCS 2 men (i'm on the far right)
4) Exeter Uni Men's trampoline team

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xFred at BUCS trampoline Finals - 2010

This is me competing at the BUCS university trampoline finals in Sheffield. This is my first time competing at BUCS 2 level and I thought I was completely out of my depth. In the end I came away with a bronze medal and I was even part of the men's trampoline team that won 2nd place overall!! This has got to be my biggest achievement in trampolining so far. It is a perfect way to end my last year of university. I am very though :-(

Sunday, 7 March 2010

As part of Exeter trampline club we went to Warwick for the 2009-2010 trampoline Open. The social the night before had an 'occupations' theme. The occupation had to start with the first lette of our Uni... So as Exeter we went in boiler suits as Exterminators. Not really that elaborate but it was very cool to have everyone in matching gear.
Unfortunately the next day didn't go that well. I competed the set and finished with some OK scores but 5mins later one of my moves was 'disputed'. When I competed my set routine I failed to keep the straight shape in my Barani to the extent that they counted it as a tucked. (personally I don't think it was that tucked, what do you think? click here) Therefore when it came to doing my tucked barani later in the routine it was counted as a repetition of a move! so was only given scores for half of my routine. Se la vie i'm affraid. Having nothing to loose I gave it my all for the voluntary routine and came out with the 3rd highest score out of all the Voluntary routines. Had my original scores for my set routine been counted I would've been 3rd overall. Instead I was last. Not bad though, considering this was my first time competing at elite level. I have the national finals in two weeks so watch this space.

Till next time,


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Thursday, 4 March 2010

What happens when we die? - A graphical depiction

As part of a medical school project I explored written accounts of near death experiences. In this video are photos I have created, attempting to graphically depict what happens when we die according to those accounts.